Reiki Class and Attunements

About Reiki

The history of Reiki is rich and deep. Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese word for “universal life force energy” – an energy that exists in all things. It is similar to Qi, Ki, or Chi, Prana, Mana, and other familiar concepts. The word “Reiki” is used to describe both that divine, cosmic energy as well as the energetic healing practice where the healer channels reiki to restore proper flow in instances where it has been restricted. While Reiki does not take the place of medical treatment where treatment is necessary, it has been found to be beneficial for all manners of health concerns; mental, physical, spiritual, or emotional. Reiki aids in all ailments, as long as the person receiving reiki desires to heal and welcomes the healing. 

Reiki works with the chakras and meridians within the physical body, and extends to all other levels of the body for multidimensional healing. In a Reiki session, the practitioner(s) will use a pattern of hand positions on or over the body to channel energy to restore flow, remove blockages, etcetera. The recipient in a Reiki treatment will often lay comfortably, as a full session will take roughly 45 minutes to an hour, but Reiki can be administered while standing, sitting, or even at a distance when a practitioner is attuned to Second Degree Reiki.


Become a Reiki Practitioner

Are you interested in being able to practice Reiki, either for yourself and your family or to start a professional practice? There are two crucial parts to becoming a Reiki practitioner. The first is education. You must learn about the energy, how to conduct a session, and how to be a prepared healer. The second (and arguably the most important for all practitioners) is attunement. Attunement is exactly what it sounds like; you will be constantly and forever attuned to the divine universal lifeforce. In attunement, your Reiki master teacher will create a new channel in your aura or energetic body, opening your crown, heart, and palm chakras, and connecting you to the unlimited source of reiki energy. Many find this a very personal, special, and sacred experience. There are three levels of attunement: First Degree, Second Degree, and Third Degree or Master Level. Each level brings greater knowledge and ability. 

First Degree Reiki creates the initial connection between the individual and the universal life energy. It has been compared to plugging in and tuning a radio; the radio waves have always been present, but the radio will only receive the frequencies when it is powered on and turned in to the right channel. At this level, students learn the first Reiki symbol, basic healing hand positions, and how to administer reiki to themselves. 

Second Degree Reiki gives students access to higher energy and additional symbols that they can then use to do distant healing as well as more advanced and effective forms of mental and emotional healing. 

Third Degree Reiki, or Master Level, is two parts – mastery and teaching. After showing dedication to Reiki and gaining solid experience with healing sessions, a practitioner can pursue mastery attunement, giving them additional education and more advanced healing techniques, as well teaching qualifications for training and attuning others to all Reiki levels. 

After becoming attuned at any level, new Reiki practitioners will experience a 21-day clearing process. The new channel takes a time to adjust to, and the existence of it often clears out emotions, toxins, and things that need to shift in a healer’s life. This process can be intense, but your master teacher, and your new attunement to reiki, will give you tools for supporting yourself through this transition. Mediation and self-care are especially important.

While Reiki originated in Japan, it has grown in popularity across the globe. There are many schools and masters teaching the practice, or varieties of the practice. Most, if not all, will trace back to Mrs. Hawayo Takata, the woman who brought Reiki to America from Japan. Some schools charge thousands of dollars and train their students for months before attuning them, some schools offer a few hours of education through video then do their attunements entirely online, with no personal or hands-on interaction. Those are both extreme examples, and most master teachers offer some mix of something in-between those extremes. Usually attunements are given one level at a time, separated by waiting periods. This is not the case in Sammi’s Reiki course.

Learning Reiki with Sammi

Sammi has found an effective and meaningful balance between education and training, and attunements. She puts priority on giving you all of the tools that you need to be confident conducting a Reiki session, and setting you up for a meaningful, in-depth attunement. She understands that first you must heal the healer, and dedicates much of her Reiki class to illuminating her students’ paths to further their own healing as they learn to use Reiki. In her Reiki course, you will get in touch with your higher self and other personal guides, make deep connections with your fellow class members, and receive personal and continued coaching and light from Sammi.

As part of setting you up for success and giving you all of the tools you need as a Reiki student and practitioner, Sammi teaches Reiki levels one and two together. Her master level training requires one year of experience in practicing Reiki, including service hours, teaching practice, and apprenticing under her for a set amount of time.

Additionally, each student Sammi teaches is added to a Reiki Tribe group where everyone can ask questions, share experiences, coordinate giving aid to situations and clients, and support one another. 


Levels 1 and 2

This is a hybrid class, both online and in-person, providing training and attunements for the first two degrees of Reiki, and it comes at the price of one. 

Sammi truly believes that Reiki can heal and elevate your life as you learn it, if you let it. To kickstart the transformation, the course begins remotely, with some assignments that will benefit your life greatly. This will include reading assignments and informational videos, introducing daily habits, and a few insightful activities. These pre-class assignments act as a pre-requisite to Reiki, get you excited, and lay a foundation so you can hit the ground running. This part of the course is required, and the only formatted, unchanging part of the class.

The in-person segment takes place over an experiential weekend, with class introductions and history of Reiki starting Friday afternoon, First Degree Reiki training and attunements taking place Saturday, and Second Degree Reiki training and attunements on Sunday. Class days are both long and rewarding, with every class’s experience differing a little according to the collective spirit and needs of the class members. Besides the general Reiki training and workbook, and the attunements, classes can expect to enjoy meditations, discussions, demonstrations and hands-on practice, and, of course, snack breaks. Keep in mind, with Sammi, any combination of these or more can happen. Be ready for a miraculous and unique “reiki retreat.” 

Class sizes are kept small (to eight or fewer), and are scheduled when there are at least three people interested. Contact the shop to have your name and phone number added to the “Interested” list.

Master Level

Once you are attuned to level two, if you choose to start moving towards mastery level with Sammi then contact us and Sammi will work with you to create a personalized path towards mastery and teaching attunements.