Sessions with Sammi

Want to contact a loved one who has passed on? Seeking healing for a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual ailment? Looking for guidance on some aspect of your life? 

Sammi is a medium and Reiki master with many years of experience in readings, healings, and clearings using reiki, crystals, sound, messages from spirit guides and loved ones, and more. In a typical session, Sammi will utilize any and all of her skills depending on your needs and what she is inspired to do, according to what you and your higher self are seeking.

Sammi currently books 90-minute sessions for $133. Sammi strongly believes in the good of the work she does, thus she does not charge per service; paying for a session is simply paying for her time and the energy exchange involved. 

Sessions can be done in-person or across distances. Even the out-of-country clients Sammi has worked with in long-distance sessions have experienced powerful healing. The best distant sessions focus on mediumship with a little bit of Reiki, but distant, full-body Reiki sessions also work very well.

To schedule, contact us for Sammi’s next availability. Give us a little information as to what you hope for in your session, but be open to whatever tools feel right to use in conjunction with what your intentions are. 

Continue below for details on each of her healing tools.

Mediumship and Channeled Messages:

As a medium, Sammi can mediate between spirits and living beings. She can receive messages from a loved one recently passed on, an ancestor from thousands of years ago, and other beings. Including pets, for example. The medium is not in charge of who or what comes through, or when. Sometimes the messages that either come through or don’t come through are surprising, or they could be quite simple. 

Sammi has been a medium her whole life. Once she started passing along the messages she was receiving, she discovered how she could use her experience for the good of others. She has been able to pass on messages of peace after the passing of a family member, locate lost things, and even solve a loose end in a murder case. 

If you schedule a session with a desire for medium work in mind, bring an item belonging to the person or symbolic of the person you hope to hear from, but do not tell Sammi about the item and keep it out of sight until Sammi asks for it.

For group medium sessions, see “Private Events” under Sammi’s Services.


There is reiki the energy, and there is Reiki the system. The word “reiki” is a Japanese word meaning universal or divine energy, and is similar to the familiar concept of chi or qi. Reiki the energy exists in and through everything. Reiki the system is a healing practice, Japanese in origin, that utilizes reiki, working with the chakras and meridian system of the body to move energy and heal ailments on all body levels from physical to ethereal. Reiki is great for treating depression and anxiety, emotional wounds and trauma, chronic pain and autoimmune conditions, past lives, and more. It should never take the place of medical treatment, especially in severe cases, but is an effective supplement to all kinds of therapy. Reiki is usually a hands-on practice and, as the practitioner, Sammi will always be mindful and respectful of her client’s comfort. Sammi can also do Reiki healing on your pets. It is as great for animals as it is for people!

Sammi has been a Reiki Master for several years, with a strong foundation in energy and bodywork even prior to her Reiki attunements. As a Master, she has knowledge of advanced Reiki techniques, and is qualified to teach as well as administer Reiki. 

See the Reiki page if you want to know more about Reiki and about becoming Reiki attuned.

Sound Healing:

Sound clears and breaks up tension and toxins in the body. Tibetan therapeutic singing bowls, Native American medicine drums, chimes, gongs, all have different frequencies and effects on the body. Each of the instruments used in a sound healing session get the brain into a theta-wave state, allowing the body to sleep, relax, and heal, allowing the soul to journey.

Sammi incorporates all of the instruments above and more in her sound healing practice. Sound is one of her personal passions and favorite techniques, which is demonstrated as she expertly chooses which instruments to use and how she uses them together to benefit the body’s ability to heal and promote a meditative state. 

The instruments Sammi uses in her healing sessions are also cleared and infused with reiki prior to each session, amplifying the amount of reiki received in a session.

For more information on sound healing, see “Sound Baths” under Sammi’s Services

Card Readings:

Tarot and Oracle cards are popular tools for mindfulness, messages, and meditation. The practice of using tarot cards dates back to the 15th century, while oracle cards are a more recent addition dating to the early 19th century. While they are similar in use, Sammi often prefers oracle cards and, when a session includes a card reading, she will pull for a wide array of decks in her collection to bring wisdom and insight to her client. 

Currently, Sammi does not typically offer stand-alone card readings. The best way to receive a card reading is to schedule a session and make note that you especially want cards to be part of the session.


There is nothing more important and powerful than simply your breath. Intentional breath patterns can calm mental and emotional states, regulate the body, energize, uplift, heal, improve sleep and digestion, and even shift brainwaves. Different types of breathwork have different effects. Perhaps you have heard of the Whim Hoff method, or Somatic breathwork? Box breathing? There are all kinds of styles, from basic, to advanced techniques that should only be practiced with guidance from an instructor. As a trained and certified instructor, Sammi can guide you through an appropriate style of breathing during your session, depending on the effect you need.